This is the first time my dad held Whit! Thanks dad for letting me stay at your house while Whit was in the hospital...

This is the first time Shantel held Whit... Thanks Shani for staying with me and driving me around while Whit was in the hospital!

The first time my mom held Whit... Thanks mom for staying with me and taking care of me while Whit was in the hospital!
The first time Clete got to hold Whit... Thank you for keeping our other two kids and being such a great dad while Whit was in the hospital!

He had the billirubin lights for about 24 hours because he was jaundice... also notice the presents above his head... it was Easter!

This was the day he was born... He had a pic line, cpap machine, IV's, and all types of monitors on!
The last pic... one week before I went into labor with the little man!
I wanted to add a few pics of baby Whit while he was in the Nicu... He was born on April 20th and was transferred to Primary Children's hospital on April 22nd. I started with the pictures starting backwards so I started with the ultrasound pic and continued on with every tube that he has had and every tube that was taken out! He is doing so great now... He is 5 weeks old and weighs 5lbs 8oz. He has gained almost a full pound since he was born. He was born at 4lbs 9 oz. but lost down to 4lbs 4oz. so he is doing great! He eats really well and sleeps most of the day! I got his pics done last week and they are so cute! I will add them to my blog when i get them! He is so sweet and such a wonderful addition to our family! I am so happy that he is here and that he is as healthy as he is! I am so thankful to our family and friends and to our heavenly father for all of the hope and prayers sent to our little man! We love you Whit... and we can't imagine our lives without you!
Love, love, love the pics. I also have to say that our favorite moment of the tumbling program was when Justice decided he needed to tumble. So glad things are good, and I loved getting to see Whit in Delta the other day!
He is so cute! I'm glad he is doing so well! Congrats again!
What a doll!! He looks so much like Justice!
That one of him with all the tubes and machines hooked up to him is so sad!! What a trooper and handsome little man!
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