Shayda is on the floor on the second row and second person in...
I know that all these pictures are a little random but I have so much that i need to catch up on. The first pictures that you see are of all of my kids together. They are not the best pictures but I just got their pictures done professionally so I will post those when I get them. The next pics are of Shayda and Justice at the aquarium. My dad took us there while we were staying with him. It was while Whit was in Primary's still. I was really missing them, so my dad invited them to stay with us and took us out to have fun! I was so happy to be with them... it was just to hard being away from them for that long. Thanks dad! The next pics are just to funny not to include... Shayda has decided that everytime I paint her nails and toes that she should take pics with my phone. I painted them right before I went back up to salt lake and I was looking through my pics and found these pics. It made my whole night... what a funny girl she is! I loved that she took pics of both feet and hands haha! She also had her preschool graduation last week... I am so proud of her! She loved preschool and did so well... I can't believe how much she learned! She also had a tumbling program that same week and did a few tricks that I didn't even know that she could do. This week we went to the whole school program. She did a little dance and did such a cute job! I am so proud of my little girl and what she has accomplished this year! She amazes me everyday with her talents! I love you Shayda Joy!
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