Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Movie Birthday Party!!

This was the treat table!
Here is the entrance to the town hall theatre
A closer look at the stars of the show!
I found these cute hollywood stars and let Shayda write her own name.. so cute!
Here is a view of the huge movie screen
Justice and one of his many presents
Shayda was so spoiled... she loves this umbrella that her bestie Mary got her
more presents
a few of the kids
Justice and his new saddle
Shayda and her new saddle
my movie cake
Justice blowin out his candles
Shayda workin on her candles...

Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet Shayda who turned the big 5 and to Justice who turned 2 both in January!! I know that many people have thought that I might go over board when it comes to their birthdays but I figure that their birthdays are so close together and there is not much to do in the winter so why not do something fun for everyone right??? Besides... if you know me very well then you know that I am quite cheap so it would have to be affordable... and it was believe it or not. Holden town owns a huge movie screen that I was able to rent from them. The cost of the movie screen was as affordable as renting the swim pool or anything else that we would have done in the winter. I also saved money by making my own decorations, and cake and ordering a few things like the invites, and the hollywood stars and the popcorn bags from oriental trading. We didn't do any food this time but we did have popcorn and movie theatre treats, pop, ice cream and cake... Yes it was a sugar high night!!! We had so much fun... we had so many friends and family there. The kids were so spoiled with so many presents from them. A big thank you to all who came and enjoyed this fun night with us... and for the wonderful gifts that my kids recieved! We got a saddle for Shayda that was going to be for Christmas but we didnt have all the extras that are on it ready in time so we decided to give it to her for her birthday and Justice got Shayda's old saddle that she has basically grown out of. Shayda looks mad in her picture because she was embarrassed...( I can't believe I have a child old enough to be embarassed by her parents haha) Justice loved it of course... he has not gotten off of it since he got it! We showed the movie "How to train your dragon"... Justice was scared of it at first and then decided to shoot the dragon with a gun he got. Shayda thought it was great but I think that she was more entertained by her cute little friends and all the ideas they had to play with the gifts she had gotten. They may have not been totally entertained by the movie but all in all they felt special and thats all that matters to me. I love my cute kids and I am so proud to be their mom! Happy Birthday my babies!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Surprise.. it's a???

My cute kids!!
Shayda's Barbie stuff
Side pic ( Check out the cute little nose!)
Babies Foot
Babies arms
Babies face

We went on January 5th for our ultrasound and found out that our baby is healthy with no concerns at this time. I was very tempted to find out what we are having but I stayed strong and it will continue to be a surprise! It is so funny how crazy it has made everyone else that we are not finding out and until recently it did not bother me at all but lately I am getting curious. I know its to late now and I still want to be surprised but I really have no inclination as to what I am having. Clete says he saw a little boy part on the ultrasound but I think it was the umbilical cord. I feel like I am carrying closer to what I was with Shayda and I am as sick as I was with her but the heart beat is lower like Justices was. Who knows. I just I hope I am prepared when this baby arrives in May!
I have had a rough couple of weeks lately. I went to my regular Dr. appointment and had a small cough but I felt good. He thought maybe I might need something but I felt fine. The next day was my sweet Shayda's 5th birthday. I had planned to take her to school with cupcakes and then spend the day doing what she wanted. My plans were changed when I ended up in the E.R because I was so dehydrated and so sick. My cough had gotten so bad that I could not keep anything down. I got tested for Influenza and it was positive. By the way, that test was awful... they shoot water up your nose and suck it out with a tube that is shoved down your nose. It was ridiculous and hurt like heck. All of that to find out that I could not take the medicine because it had not been tested on pregnant women. I spent a week and a half in bed. Poor pitiful me right? I felt awful because Clete had to take over on Shayd's birthday and I was sad that I wasn't involved. It was also Justices 2nd Birthday on January 21st. We decided to throw them both a big birthday bash this Saturday so I will share pics soon.
January has been a crazy month but it also brought me a new neice. Bristyn was born on the 24th to Weston and Mallori and she is a doll! It makes me excited for my little one to arrive! I am also looking for suggestions on an original boy name. We have our girl name but we are struggling to find a boy name that we can agree upon. So help us out! We also started our loan on our house so I am excited to be moving on with our addition. Things are changing so much and I am so excited for our future!