Shayda is just getting to big. I still call her my baby, but the truth is she is just getting smarter and older everyday. I like to get her pictures done every six months, and it came time so I decided to just get a quick one at the fillmore elementary because I would like to have some more done for our Christmas card. I thought that it would be a silly picture, but I was surprised to see how grown up she has gotten. She talks like an adult now to. She says funny things like " I have never seen that in the whole wide world" and " I am going to my room to watch cartoons because my dad is annoying me". She keeps us laughing at all times.
She is so freaking cute!
Cassa She is getting so big!! I miss seeing you at the shop I hope all is well!! I have you on my blog I hope you don't mind! you can check us out at thesmithfamilyfarm.blogspot.com
well I hope to see you soon
She really is getting so big, she looks so grown up and cute in the picture! Well, I won't have the baby on the 5th, the 4th is my official induction date, but they will still be really close. Plus, if I even go to that date, I may have become insane at that point!! :p I'm feeling alright, tired of being pregnant! How about you, I hope your doing good!! Love your guts too!!
ha,ha actually Shane's birthday was in Sept. I just haven't made a new ticker. I'm a slowpoke. How are you feeling chica? You should put a ticker for your due date, I always forget, January right? Or is it more like Christmas? Either way I know it's getting closer!!! Have you picked a name yet, or is it a surprise? I can't wait to see the little guy!
What a cute little girl you have. She is a cutie.
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