This one was sophmore year or maybe freshman??? We did a progressive holiday date for "Sadies"... one of my all time favorite dates!

We had pics done for junior prom... I am so glad I have all these pics from highschool with my friends!

This was another "Sadies date" We are at the Rez with a cake that Marsha Mecham made us with all our names and our dates names!

Me and Jenna in Vegas... Silly us!
I know that it is probably wierd that I am throwing my own birthday party but it was an idea that one of my bff's Mandy Stefanoff came up with while at bunco a few months back and I decided to go with it! I am going to have a 30th birthday party for myself on July 2nd. It will start at 1pm and go as late as we want! I was going to have a sleep over but I got thinking that it probably wont work since we all have little kids that need their mommies! If anyone still likes the sleepover idea let me know! I also thought that we would float down the river but my husband said the water is way to high and we would all die haha! So.... it won't be exactly like the good ol' days but we will make it work! I was thinking that we could just go to my mom's in Leamington, have a potluck dinner, visit, and sit in the hot tub if we feel like it, watch fireworks, and enjoy our time together! We can also go down to the river and remember old times!
When I was young and living at home... I had the best birthday parties ever! I loved having a birthday on the 3rd of July because we would walk down to the river... float down it... walk back to my mom's house completely fried... watch fireworks... eat pepsi and doritos... and talk all night long... and the next day we would start all over with the 4th of july festivities. Now my birthday is going to work for me again... since alot of my friends live out of town, I thought that they would probably be coming home for the holiday so we could try to get together! I wish we could do it just like we did when we were young... but we now have different lives and I have many friends that are either pregnant or like myself just had a baby and not quite that excited to get into a swim suit and brave the river! Bring your swimsuit just in case you want to brave the hot tub!
So... all of my good high school besties... I hope to see you all there... and to all of my new friends... you are all invited as well! I can't wait to spend my last day in my 20's with all of my great friends! I was the first to turn 16 and became the cool taxi driver and now I am going to leave my 20's in style! I hope you all come!
When I was young and living at home... I had the best birthday parties ever! I loved having a birthday on the 3rd of July because we would walk down to the river... float down it... walk back to my mom's house completely fried... watch fireworks... eat pepsi and doritos... and talk all night long... and the next day we would start all over with the 4th of july festivities. Now my birthday is going to work for me again... since alot of my friends live out of town, I thought that they would probably be coming home for the holiday so we could try to get together! I wish we could do it just like we did when we were young... but we now have different lives and I have many friends that are either pregnant or like myself just had a baby and not quite that excited to get into a swim suit and brave the river! Bring your swimsuit just in case you want to brave the hot tub!
So... all of my good high school besties... I hope to see you all there... and to all of my new friends... you are all invited as well! I can't wait to spend my last day in my 20's with all of my great friends! I was the first to turn 16 and became the cool taxi driver and now I am going to leave my 20's in style! I hope you all come!