It was Shayda's birthday, and we decided to have her party in Scipio because my friend Lauri and her husband own a team of huge belgian horses, and a wagon. We wanted to do something fun for her because winter birthdays are not always as fun as summer ones. We had alot of family and friends, and we had a blast on the wagon rides. Thanks Todd and Lauri! We also had a pinata, presents, and my attempt of making a cake. Clete made homemade chilli, and everyone loved it. He was quite pleased with himself, and I was impressed to. We also had donuts and hot cocoa. It was so much fun, and we loved having all of our family and friends there to enjoy it with us. Shayda got extremely spoiled as always, and she loved every bit of it. Happy Birthday baby girl! I guess I will give you some updates on me and the coming addition to our family as well. I am 37 weeks pregnant, and the baby is measuring 381/2 weeks. I have extra amniotic fluid, and gestational diabetes, so he is also weighing bigger to. My doctor said that if I don't go in on my own by Tuesday, then we will set the date to start me because he doesn't want me to have a huge baby. I do hope that I go in myself for a couple of reasons. One, because I am so dang aunry, and I want to beat up my husband, and two because I am kinda scared of the pitosin because I did not have to be started with Shayda, and they say the contractions are worse when you are started. I don't know when I will have him for sure, but I hope its soon as long as he is ready!
I can't believe she is 3 years old. I'm sorry you are having so many problems, but I did have to the pitosin with catarina and its not tot bad. I hope all goes well with is delivery. Good Luck and I miss you. Love ya, Mandi
She's growing up so fast! Happy Birthday Shayda! What a cute idea for a birthday party, that sounds like so much fun! I had pitocin with Shane and it wasn't that bad for me either. The only difference it made for me was that it made the contractions closer together. I hope you have a good, healthy delivery and that you start soon. Good Luck! I love your guts and I can't wait to see pictures of little Justice!
Sorry, Neilsen News is actually me, oops:) Love ya Dee!
So cute dee. Sorry we missed it. Kaden crashed after his party. Let me know what your doc says. I would be happy to take Shayda or do whatever ya need. I love your guts!!
Happy Birthday Shayda! Over the holidays I saw a few of your advertisements, something to do with hot pink. Anyways, it was good to see and talk to you parents at the wrestles. Too bad we didn't see you and your family.
Hey Cassa Dee! I hope all is going well. Hope to see you and the little ones soon. Loves ya. Misty
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