For all those that did not recieve a christmas card from me... I am so sorry. I ordered late, and not enough, and I ran out. So this is what it looks like. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Love the Carters
Well, It's been awhile since I have posted anything, so I thought that I would give you an update on what has been going on with us. Well, Clete is in Vegas at the NFR today, because he got a last minute offer, and I am jealous. I guess I wouldn't have fun being there 8 months pregnant so I will get over it. Shayda has always been my little naughty child, but I thought that she was getting better until this last week. She is not listening to me very well, so I am sending her to her room every 5 seconds. She keeps telling me that she is going to tell the elves that I am the one being naughty. Oh girls with attitude. What to do? Real Estate has been alot busier this past month, so I am feeling better about it. I am down to my every 2 weeks appointments, and I have had a little trouble lately. I found out that there was something wrong with his umbillical cord, so we were worried, but have since found out that it is fine now. He is measuring a week bigger, so either he will be huge, or I will deliver early... who knows. I also tested positive for gestational diabetes so I am now off of sugar (bummer), and testing my blood sugar up to 8 times a day. Fun fun! Anyways, that is all that has been going on, so I guess you are updated!
I am a Realtor for Signature Real Estate in Fillmore. I also work at the lemon salon doing nails, and pedicures. I love living in a small town with beautiful mountain views. I have been married for over 6 years, and we have one little girl that is 5 years old, and a 2 year old little boy, and another one on the way... due in may.