Leamarado Rodeo... Justice wanted to chase the money cow too!
Clete and my nephew Ethan at the rodeo.
Our Deputy K-9 Basco's memorial
We had some pics... and our friends made a video for him.
It has been crazy lately again... so I thought I would catch you all up. The pictures are a little backwards but I will just go with it. I will start with swimming lessons... I had to bring Shayda to swimming lessons 5 days a week for 4 weeks... ugh. I am so glad that I am able to have the time to take her to lessons but boy oh boy it was not alot of fun for us moms (just ask Jenna haha) I guess at least I wasn't the pregnant one.
We also had a memorial for our Deputy K-9 Basco whom we lost to cancer. I know alot of people do not understand having a memorial for a dog.... but this was very important to us. He was not just a dog... he was a family member... he was a Clete's partner... and he was the protector of many people in our community including the many deputies that worked with him. He was involved in hunting down many criminals including cop killers and more. He was also involved in protecting my husband Clete in a shooting that he was involved in a couple of years ago. We owe so much to that wonderful dog. I wanted to thank all those that came to the memorial... and the ones that spoke and the ones that made the wonderful video of Basco. Many people have asked me if I am scared to live out here and I really never have been until now. He was my protector.... I will miss him.
We also had my little brother Jordon's wedding a couple of weeks ago... and I could kick myself for forgetting my camera but you can check some out on Aimee's blog. I did make their cake so you can check that out on my cake blog. The week after the wedding was the Leamarado days rodeo. I got to see alot of my family, and my Grandpa Bevan was the grand marshall!!! He is so dang cute.... we were pretty proud of him. The kids got to chase the money cow, so they had a blast!
Last but not least... My little girl went to preschool on the bus! I was so excited for her to go because she could not wait but it was a little sad that she is growing up so big. When we got to the bus stop she was so excited and then right before she got on the bus she said " Mama I'm scared"... I of course made her go and she was fine but I did feel like I was feeding her to the wolves. Its hard to live in a town that you don't know alot of people, and they don't give you alot of info on school and such. I really had no idea what was going to happen to her there but I had faith and she was fine... by the way she love love loves it. Justice misses his sister all day long... he follows me around all day repeating everything that I say because he is learning to talk. He talks quite a bit now so my house seems busy all day!
As far as my house goes.... It really is coming along. I have gotten new sinks and faucets... new hardware in my kitchen...a storage unit ... and new carpet in my bedrooms. I have the flooring for my kitchen, bathroom, and living room/dining room, but I am just waiting for my husband to have time to put it in. I am planning on painting a bunch of things as well but we will see how much I get done. Its been alot of work but it will be so worth it! Anyways thats it for now.... wow that was a long one.