Check me out... This is Shayda's beautiful Easter dress that her Grandma Sandy got her!!!

My neice Miley hangin out with her favorite aunt (me) haha!!!
Well I know that was picture overload, but we have done so much in march that I figured that I would share it all!!! Well to start off... I had my neice's for a couple of days while my sister went out of town, and they all had so much fun. I decided that since there would be so many girls at my house that we would make a whole bunch of pink food, so we had pink mac and cheese, strawberry shakes, pink punch, pink rice krispie treats, etc. We also did toes and nails, and painted them like easter eggs... it was so much work, and no one had any color on their nails by the time the weekend was over so it was awesome haha!!!
The next weekend was so cold and snowy that Clete and I decided to go for a little ride, and take the kids up 90 per, and drag them on their sled. Shayd had so much fun, and Justice even liked it, but Shayda could only hold him for awhile... he is a hefty kid!!! We also had a little fire up in the mountain to warm up. My hubby is quite the boy scout. He is always doing little things like that with our family! We had a blast!!!
That same weekend Shayda got to wear her new Easter Dress that Grandma Sandy got her, and she looked so dang cute. She was loving it because it was poofy, and she felt like a princess!!! Thanks mom!!!
Last but not least was this last weekend. We decided to go up to the zoo with some friends, and we had so much fun... spent way to much money... ate to much food... but had a blast! We started off the weekend on Saturday early morning, and did a little shopping at AA Callisters. We then checked into our hotel rooms at the little america, and ditched the guys and kids to go Easter shopping at the gateway! It was way to easy to find things for Shayda, but I really struggled to find things for Justice. Clete is so dang picky about what Justice wears, so that makes it difficult. When we were done shoppin, we ate at the texas road house...yummy! We got back to the hotel pretty late so we decided to go swimming in the morning. Unfortunately I got very sick, and was up all night long, but I decided to tough it out, and go swimming anyway. Shayda would have been heartbroken if I didnt. When we were done swimming, we headed to the zoo! It was such nice weather, and the kids were having so much fun! Shayda loved the peacocks, and Justice loved the keys (monkeys)! It was so much fun... but we were so exhausted by the time we got home. WEll that is it for my extremely long life story haha... I hope you enjoy!!!