My sweet hubs... and kiddos on valentines...

I thought i would share some pics of my fun valentines weekend, and a few new pics. The last couple pics are of my cute kiddies on their new four wheeler that we got them for their birthdays. I knew that Shayda would be the perfect size to ride the four wheeler, and take her brother for an occasional ride with her. They have so much fun riding it. Shayda even took it for a ride to Jenna's house to tell Kaden goodbye since she didnt tell him at preschool... by the way Jenna's house is about a mile and a half away from mine so that is pretty far away for a little girl on a four wheeler haha. Don't worry... because her dad went and got her before she got to far away... gotta love that girl!!!
Valentines day was so much fun... we decided to take our family and stay at the little america hotel!!! We ate at the Mcgraths Fish house, and found out that Shayda loves any type of fish including her dads crab legs haha. We decided to go swimming at the hotel, and it was so fun... the water was incredibly warm so my kids were loving it! After a long day of shopping, eating, swimming and more, we decided to go back to the room and go to bed... and after the kids went to sleep i got my gift... dont worry its not x rated haha... we had gotten the valentines package with our room which came with a rose, present, champagne glasses, apple cider, truffles, and a movie that is still in theatres. We... well especially I.... got to watch New Moon again... in my hotel room with my apple cider, and my treats, and my sweet hubby by my side!!!! Not much more you can ask for right???? We had so much fun!!!! HINT HINT CLETE... lets do it more often!!! Oh my gosh I cant tell you how much i needed the break... we had a blast!!! Love you my sweet Family!!!