We blessed Justice on May 9th at the Holden church! It was alot of fun. I forgot my camera of course so I took some pics with my mother in laws camera, so I will put them up when I get them. I took these pics after the blessing at my house. The first picture is Justice cheesing to my sister making a funny face. The second is me, Clete, and Justice (Just call me shiny face magee haha). The third pic is my mom and step dad, my sister Alyssa's kids Makinley and Miley, then Shayda (Check out how she is crossing her legs...She is funny haha), Justice, and last but not least my brother Westons little boy Dreyden. There were alot of people there including most of my in-laws, most of my family, and many of my friends and co-workers. We had alot of fun! Thanks to all my friends and family that could make it. We love you!