Justice David Carter was born at 4:27 p.m. on January 21st 2009! He was about 2 weeks and 2 days early. He weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz. and 21 inches. He was born at central valley medical center in Nephi, and was there for about 12 hours before he was sent to the NICU in the utah valley hospital. I could not go with him, so my mom went with him, and spent the night. Thanks mom, your the best! Clete and I got to go the next day. He had a cpap on that helped blow air in his face to help him breath better. He had a feeding tube, and an I.V., and many bells and whistles attached to him. It was so scary, but he was definitley one of the healthy ones in there. He had to be there for 5 days, and was sent home with a billi bed because he was jaundice. We had to go to my moms house for a few days because Clete and Shayda were sick. We are finally home now, and so happy to be. Shayda is a great big sister, she keeps her hands sanitized, and asks to hold him. We love him, and we are so happy to have a new addition to our family.