This story got cut off my blog somehow. I put it back on because I have alot of people ask me about it. This is how far out in the country we live haha! One day Shayda was outside playing with the dogs when I heard her scream histerically. I ran to the door where I met her screaming that she had seen a ghost. I followed her outside to my old car where she said that the ghost was hiding under. I looked and saw nothing so I told her that there was no such thing as ghosts. She insisted that it was now a bear and it was still under the car. I gave up and decided to go back in when I saw my yorkie "Lily" barking at my passenger tire. I went to see what she was barking at when it hissed an evil noise at me. I grabbed Shayda and ran in the house to get Clete. When Clete came out, we popped the hood and found that there was an actual live badger behind the engine. Clete then shot the badger, and pulled it from the car. We are now having the badger stuffed so that we will always remember that scary day, and Shayda's bear. I can't believe how lucky we are. Someone was watching out for us that day.